Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day One Update

Hi everyone!

Well, it's 5pm. So far, so good. I told my husband and a friend some things I admire and appreciate about him. I also told him that I love him when he first woke up this morning. This afternoon I told him that I'm glad I'm his wife, I want to be a blessing to him forever, and that he can always count on me to be by his side/in his corner. THAT is what got the biggest response. He stopped me there and told me that carried a lot of weight and meant a lot to him. Hmmm..... I could say 'I love you' all day long and not get that kind of reaction! I must remember this....

As far as the OTHER requirement... Did I say anything negative to anyone else about my husband today? No. Did I say anything negative to my husband today? No. Did I use "tone". Yes. :( But at least I'm aware of it and repent! I realized that I would 'make a point' using tone. I did it about 2-3 times today. That's not good. That's one of the things I want to stop. I mean, how hard is it to say, "Honey, this is how I feel." or "Honey, can we do that a different way?" So I recognized it and I'm determined to change it.

I'll post Day Two's guide soon! I'm so sorry I didn't get it on here sooner! I was gone all day...


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